M Bates ha publicado, en inglés, el libro titulado: Interfacing PIC microcontrollers: embedded design by interactive simulation.
Portada del libro
La presentación del libro (texto en inglés) es la siguiente: 
Interfacing PIC Microcontrollers provides a thorough introduction to interfacing techniques for students, hobbyists and engineers looking to take their knowledge of PIC application development to the next level. Each chapter ends with suggestions for further applications, based on the examples given, and numerous line drawings illustrate application of the hardware. 
Step-by-step examples in assembly language are used to illustrate a comprehensive set of interfaces, and these can be run interactively on circuit simulation software, used to aid understanding without the need to build real hardware. 
A companion website includes all examples in the text which can be downloaded together with a free version of Proteus's ISIS Lite: www.picmicros.org.uk 
Comprehensive coverage of a topic not widely explored in the wealth of PIC books on the market, concentrating on the popular PIC16F877 device. 
Circuit simulation software allows step-by-step examples, supplied as assembly source code, to be run interactively - aiding student, technician and hobbyist learning. 
A companion CD-ROM includes a restricted version of the simulation software, application circuits and code, the standard Microchip development system, MPLAB, and the data sheet for the PIC 16F877. 
Más información en los siguientes enlaces: 

Página de Amazón donde se vende el libro.